Patch Notes: 1.0.2
Facebook Integration
You can now post your achievements to Facebook whenever you want. You will find the Facebook link button on the Options Menu.
Turn Off Puzzle Hints
You now have an option in the Options Menu to turn off the flashing puzzle hints.
Challenges now give a souls as a reward at all levels.
- 1 Star= 5 souls
- 2 Stars= 10 souls
- 3 Stars= 15 souls
- 4 Stars= 20 souls
- 5 Stars= 100 souls
Puzzle Game AI
We’ve nerfed the AI a little for new players. The AI will now occasionally make bad moves. This tails off as the player approaches level 15. This change does not apply in PvP.
We’ve also implemented a feature, where the game detects some lucky drop-infs for the AI and alters them to favor the Human Player. This tailors off as players progress through their 20’s. Once again, this change does not apply in PvP.
- Bug Fix: No longer gets 2 points in health at levels 9 + 10.
- Balance: No longer gains 1 Magic at level 7.
- Balance: Changed magic gain to better spread out when she gains magic.
- Balance: Increased Mana cost for her spell.
- Balance: Lowered how much spell is boosted by Blue Gems.
Gloom Leaf
- Bug Fix: Changed level up stats so make sure he gained stats at all levels.
- Balance: Increased the mana cost of her spell.
- Balance: Now gives 1 less attack to all allies
Mist Stalker
- Balance: Increased the base damage of his spell by 1
Scale Guard
- Balance: Increased the bonus damage he deals to poisoned troops from 2 to 3.
- Balance: He has a new feature… now he gains 3 Armor every time he casts his spell.
- Balance: He no longer removes all yellow gems from the board. Instead he now creates 5 purple gems on the board.
- Balance: He no longer gains 1 Magic at level 5.
- Balance: He gains 1 Magic at level 4 + 7.
- Balance: Screech spell cost increase
- Balance: Damage now increases on his Spell, not the Attack Debuff
- Balance: Added an extra point of Magic during levelling
Lady Sapphira
- Balance: Increased the the amount of health she gets from gems removed.
- Balance: Lowered her spell cost.
Vampire Lord
- Increased his spell cost.
- No Longer gains magic as it doesn’t effect his spell.
Wicked Scythe
Damage dealt by spell is now modified by magic (hotfix: reduced base damage to compensate)
Scythe of Corruption
- Damage dealt by spell is now modified by the Hero’s Magic stat (hotfix: reduced base damage to compensate)
Death’s Grasp
- Damage dealt by spell is now modified by the Hero’s Magic stat (hotfix: reduced base damage to compensate)
Morthani’s Scythe
- Damage dealt by spell is now modified by the Hero’s Magic stat (hotfix: reduced base damage to compensate)