3.2 Patch Notes
The time has come for the release of the foretold 3.2 Update! Read on, adventurers! Please be aware that some platforms may take longer compared to others as the update will go live at different times.
* Unique defense troops will receive a bonus to the player’s Guild Wars Score
* Troop cards have been redesigned
* Bonuses breakdown menu on the World Map
New UI on the following screens
* Guild Wars
* World Map
* Troop Collection
* Pre-battle screen
* Quest menu
* Challenge menu
* Kingdom popup
* Post battle
* Reward unlocks (Excluding purchase rewards)
* Message dialogs
* Event/News menu
* Tribute menu
* Chat menu
* Puzzle game
* Team list
* Loading screen
* Loading wheel
New Troop Filters:
* Filter by multiple mana colours
* Filter by mana combination
Removed Troop Filters:
* Filter by trait
* Filter by spell effect
* The above filters can be applied by using the Keyword filter
New Bonuses screens
* Added new Bonuses tab in Troop Collection menu
* Redesigned Banners tab in Troop Collection menu
* Chat window can now be resized using from the Window Size option
* Gem matching traits will only trigger once per board match calculation
* Various Minor bug fixes.
* Changed Magic Link trait to Fey Bond
* Mana cost increased from 9 to 10
* Increase base spell dmg from 11 to 15
* Double damage changed to Triple damage
Jotnar Stormshield
* Increase boost ratio from x5 to x7
* Increase spell base dmg from 6 to 10
The following troops will be available for refund:
* Wisp