7.2 Update: Hidden Treasures
Update 7.2: Hidden Treasures will go live on all platforms, except for Nintendo Switch, at 11am October 25th, 2023.
Switch will receive the update at a later date to be announced.

We have made some improvements to Underspire, as well as introduced a new encounter, Treasure Guardians.
These changes require a new Underspire map to be generated after you’ve updated the game, so please note any Underspire progress you’ve made since weekly reset Monday 23rd 7am GMT will be reset after you’ve updated.
- Treasure Guardians are a new type of battle encounter in the Underspire.
- Treasure Guardian encounters will appear at the end of Dead-Ends.
- Dead-Ends are paths that don’t contain a Mini-Boss or Goblin Merchant.
- Not all Dead-Ends will contain a Treasure Guardian
- There are 6 different Treasure Guardians that players may encounter, each with an equal chance to appear. They are new Legendary Troops in the game (There is more info about how to get them further down).
- Treasure Guardian rooms can appear at any rarity (Common, Rare, Ultra-Rare, Epic, Legendary, or Mythic). The higher the rarity, the rarer the room is to appear.
- After defeating a Treasure Guardian, its location on the Underspire Map will be replaced with a Guardian Chest.
- This is to prevent players, who may disconnect after a battle ends, from losing their rewards.
- The rarity of the Treasure Guardian room will determine the rarity of the Guardian Chest, with rarer rewards being available in the higher rarity rooms.
- Some rewards that can be earned (depending on the room rarity) include (but are not limited to): Torches, Lanterns, Random Trinkets, Dragonite, Jewels, Traitstones, and Vault Keys.
- The Treasure Guardian troops themselves have a chance to drop from the Guardian Chests too.
- This is the only means to earn the Treasure Guardian Troops.
- We have changed Lanterns so any unused Lanterns carry over each week, and are not lost when weekly reset occurs.
- We have changed Trinkets so any unused Trinkets carry over each week, and not lost when weekly reset occurs.
- Torches are still gained and lost as they were previously.
Please note: the Giant Sentinel’s art was not finished before the update was submitted, so we have temporarily used the Elemental Sentinel’s art for him. He will receive his correct art in the 7.3 Update.

We have introduced 3 new Offers for players to purchase and enjoy – Alastair’s Weapon Cache, Harper’s Magical Menagerie, and Marid’s Lucky Lamp.
- Alastair’s Weapon Cache replaces the previous Weapon Flash Offer that would occasionally appear to players.
- Alastair’s Weapon Cache appears every Monday, after weekly reset.
- The Weapon Cache offer is similar to the previous Weapon Flash Offer, and will still offer past event weapons that a player doesn’t own, along with 100 Gems (also the same as before). New to the offer is 3 Ingots or Forge Scrolls (depending on the weapon).
- Weapon Cache offers costs $4.99USD, the same as the previous flash offer.
- If players own all event weapons, they should not get this offer.
- Harper’s Magical Menagerie replaces the previous Pet Flash Offer that would occasionally appear to players.
- Harper’s Magical Menagerie appears every Tuesday, after daily reset.
- Harper’s Magical Menagerie is a series of 3 Offers around a single Pet.
- Offer 1: 1x Pet, 7x Colored Pet Food, 50 Gems for $1.99 USD
- Offer 2: 10x Pet, 33x Colored Pet Food, 100 Gems for $9.99 USD
- Offer 3: 20x Pet, 65x Colored Pet Food, 150 Gems for $14.99 USD
(PlayStation Players will receive Gem Keys instead of Gems, due to some restrictions on that platform).
- Purchasing all 3 Harper’s Magical Menagerie Offers should give you enough copies of the Pet and Pet Food to fully upgrade an unowned Pet.
- Unlike the previous Pet Flash Offer, Harper’s Magical Menagerie doesn’t only offer Cosmetic Pets, but will also include any Pet that could be earned from a Pet Gnome.
- Exclusive Pets – such as Faction Pets, Starry Pets or Platform exclusive Pets will not be offered.
- Harper’s Magical Menagerie will seek to offer Pets which players either do not own, or have not yet fully upgraded.
- Purchasing all 3 Offers will give players a bonus Major Orb of Minions.
- If players have all Pets fully upgraded, they should not get this offer.
- Marid’s Lucky Lamp is a completely new offer for purchase in Gems of War.
- Marid’s Lucky Lamp appears every Thursday, after daily reset.
- Marid’s Lucky Lamp contains 10 possible rewards that players could receive. The chance for the rewards are viewable via the help button (similar to the Chest menu).
- When purchased, Players will receive achoice between 2 Rewards. Players may then pick the reward they would prefer to receive.
- Rewards include: Orb of Minions, Orb of Ingots, Orb of Glory, Minor Traitstone Pack (6x all Colors), Major Traitstone Pack (6x all Colors), Runic Traitstone Pack (6x all Colors), Ingot Pack (6x Epic, Legendary + Mythic Ingots), Vault Key Pack (3 Vault Keys + 2 Epic Vault Keys), and Soulforge Pack (100 Diamonds + 25 Cursed Runes).
- Purchasing Marid’s Lucky Lamp all 3 times will give players a bonus Orb of Chaos.
- Marid’s Lucky Lamp offers costs $1.99USD.

We have updated the World Map UI to the new UI style, while also taking the time to make some improvements to this screen. As the game has evolved over the years, we have added new game modes and events, making those events more difficult for players to find.
With the new World Map UI we have tried to improve 2 areas:
- Events, Activities, and Resources were Hidden in Menus: We had many events that could only be accessed from the Games menu (sometimes requiring players to scroll to the end of the menu to find them). The player’s inventory is also hidden within the Hero Menu. We wanted a way to surface these events and also make accessing the player’s inventory much easier.
- There were Too Many Floating Icons on the World Map: Holiday Events, Kingdom Pass and Player Paths all lived on the world Map as floating icons. This caused issues with controllers on some platforms. It also meant some parts of the UI could be mistaken for parts of the World Map. Our aim here was to correct these two issues.
We have more details about the changes to the World Map UI below:
- The UI has been updated to match the new style that we have been introducing into the rest of the game.
- The bottom of the menu remains mostly the same with only a few changes.
- Troops have been renamed to Collection, to reflect the fact that banners, weapons, and pets live in there too.
- Chests will now no longer display key counts above 999, but will display it as 999+
- The 3 buttons to the left of the central button can be changed by tapping on the UI element next to them with the pips.
- The default 3 buttons displayed are PvP, Games, and Guild
- The secondary 3 buttons include Settings, News, and Calendar
- Player Path, Medals and Chat now all live along the top of the menu.
- The Left-hand side of the menu is now where all activities + events will appear.
- This includes weekly Guild Events, Daily Events, Special Events (like Kingdom Passes), Campaigns, Adventure Board, and World Quests.
- Adventure Board has been renamed Adventure but will still function the same way.
- The Right-hand side now contains any Flash Offers, Event Offers, the Offer menu, or Rewarded Ads (for Mobile).
- Both the left and right side areas of the UI will scroll if there are 4+ buttons listed on that side.
- There is a “…” icon that will appear alongside the icons to let players know when there are more events or offers in the list.
- An “!” icon will also appear if there are new events or offers that a player has not viewed previously.
- In the Settings/Graphics menu players are able to turn off all the button text for the side buttons or bottom buttons (or all main UI buttons).
- The Mail Icon now lives above the right-side area near the primary resources.
- We have reduced the resources displayed on the World Map to the 3 primary Resources: Gems, Gold, and Souls.
- Next to the Primary resources is a button that players can interact with to open the Resource Wallet.
- The Resource Wallet is the player’s inventory.
- We have made some changes to the inventory/ resource wallet to tidy up the way resources have been grouped.
- Guild Gifts are now part of the Resource group.
- Vault Keys, Epic Vault Keys, Gnome Baits, and Verses now all live in the same group called Gnomes.
- Jewel Shards, Jewels, Cursed Runes, and Dragonite now all live in the same group called Soulforge.
- We have changed the order of groups in the inventory/resource wallet to try and keep more used groups higher up in the list. The order is now:
- Resources
- Soulforge
- Gnomes
- Keys
- Orbs
- Traitstones
- Ingots
- Forge Scrolls
- Deeds
- Pet Food
- Shiny Tokens
- Artifacts
- We have a new green ! icon that will appear on relevant buttons to match the new style and replace the older circle version of the icon.
- For new players who have features on the World Map locked, they will see a new lock icon which will also display the level at which the feature will unlock.

We have 3 new Achievements for this update:
- Who Guards the Guardians: Defeat 3 Treasure Guardians in Underspire.
- Time After Time: Match 100 Hourglass Gems.
- My Stuff Is So Shiny: Upgrade 8 Troops to Shiny Level 1.

- We have added a limit to the number of Gnome-a-Paloozas that can be crafted at once to 4 (as we had a few players who have accidentally crafted more than intended).
- We have removed the Troop art from the Buy Tiers I-VI button in World Events, as some players were confused when they didn’t always get the Troops displayed (it was a chance to drop with other event troops).
- The first weekly reset after the 7.2 Update releases, the available Warbands will be swapped around so Fire and Fury, Goblin Gang, and Dark Assassins Warbands will replace Vampiric Thirst, Armored Legion, and Entangled Woods Warbands.

- We have fixed an issue where Enemy Troops in Kingdoms would mimic the player’s Shiny Troops.
- We have fixed an issue where players could not view the Troop Cards in the popup menu for the Path Pass+.
- We have fixed a visual issue where the Lantern appeared squished in the Goblin Merchant menu.
- We have fixed an issue where players could use the team codes to bypass Kingdom Restrictions in Underspire.
- We have fixed an issue where Soulforge was displaying that it had an Upgrade Available even if it was Level 20.
- We have fixed an issue where the Pet Rescue announcement popup would sometimes display %1 instead of the time remaining.
- We have fixed an issue where trying to open Underspire would sometimes open the Kingdom’s Explore Menu instead.
- We have fixed an issue where the Booty Gem was not giving Gold to the AI team.
- We have fixed an assortment of smaller issues.

We are aware of the following issues, and they should be fixed in the 7.3 Update:
- The bottom 3 buttons that can switch, may revert back to the Settings/ News/ Calendar buttons when returning to the World Map.
- The tutorial for the Games menu is pointing to the Event button instead.
- The Chat popup with updated text may appear towards the bottom of the World Map menu.
- The 3 Bottom Left buttons may wander off the menu (playing a battle, and returning to the world map should fix this issue).
- French Translations for 7.2 are currently missing.