4.6.5 Update

We have a smaller update with several Quality of Life changes to the game. * The last copy of a Troop can no longer be disenchanted. (No more accidentally disenchanting everything). * Players will now receive a warning if they are about to disenchant or ascend a troop with multiple copies in a team. * We have removed the Green Event Stone icons from “Kill” Adventure Tasks, due to the confusion they were causing (they were denoting a color of troop to be killed, which was different from their previous purpose). * Any mail received will now show previews any attachments on the Inbox menu. * After completing a Challenge Tier, the list of battles will now scroll back to the start. * Challenges will now remember Players’ progress through a Tier and, upon entry to the Challenge Menu, will scroll the list to show the next battle. * The Kingdom popup will now display the current “Explore Progress” on the Explore button. * When navigating from the “Kingdom Power” Menu to a Collection (e.g. Pets or Troops), it will now display all content from that Kingdom (including unowned). * On the “Kingdom Power” Menu, selecting a “Hero Class” Task will take the Player to that Class’ Menu or the Class’ Quest. * The Hero’s Rarity will no longer overwrite Weapon Rarity, so players are able to see what kind of Ingots they need to upgrade that Weapon. * Players will now be able to see if they already own the Weapon when viewing a Weapon Offer. * We have added the Skill Points given by Elite Levels to the Troop Info Tab (it shows where all Skill points on a Troop come from). * We have updated the PVP Tutorial. * We have updated the Guild Tutorial. * We have added a new tutorial for Explore Mode. * The Halloween game icon and logo have been removed until Halloween next year. * We have made some optimizations to the game to improve performance.

* We have fixed an issue where Casual PVP Difficulty was affecting the Difficulty in Explore.
* When using a game controller, we have modified its behavior (involving selecting Medals), upon re-entering the World Map Menu.
* We have fixed an issue where the first Explore Battle could contain the Mythic Boss battle team from a previous run after losing a Mythic Boss battle.
* We have fixed an issue where players were unable to retreat from battle during an opponent’s turn.
* Several other minor Bug Fixes.