4.7 Update

- We have introduced 6 new Guild tasks, Epic Guild tasks. These Epic Guild tasks are separate from the existing Guild tasks, and will not be replacing them.
- Epic tasks will cost more than the base Guild Tasks, and give rewards in line with Legendary Tasks (i.e. for every 1,000,000 Gold spent on Epic Tasks, you should receive the equivalent rewards to a single Legendary Task). They will also include resources specifically of use to mid-and-end-game players, including access to the much-sought-after Deeds (via Writs – see below for an explanation). The rewards, and costs of Epic Tasks have had their numbers tweaked during development after consultation with, and feedback from, the community (thanks, everyone!).
- When an Epic Task tree is completed it will give a Skill point bonus identical to a base Guild Task of the same color.
- Blue Epic Task – 4 Armor
- Green Epic Task – 4 Life
- Red Epic Task – 3 Attack
- Yellow Epic Task – 4 Life
- Purple Epic Task – 2 Magic
- Brown Epic Task – 4 Armor
- The Guild Task list is now slidable so players can navigate between all the 12 different Tasks. The game will default the list to the first non-completed task in the list (similar to Challenges), to make it easier for Guilds to see which Tasks have not yet been completed.
- Epic Tasks have a flair so they are easy to identify from base Guild Tasks.
- Guilds will be able to set the priority across all 12 Tasks in the Guild Admin menu.
- Guilds will need to complete all 12 Guild Task Trees to reach Legendary Tasks.
- During the week that the 4.7 update is released, the Epic Tasks will be marked as completed for all Guilds, so any Guild that has already achieved Legendary Tasks for the week will not lose this progress.

- Writs are a new resource that players can collect which can be used to craft Deeds.
- Players can earn Writs from completing the Green Epic Guild Task or completing the Writ Adventure Task (which will appear randomly in the Adventure Board – it is an Ultra-Rare task).
- Players will find 7 new recipes in the Soulforge for using their Writs to craft any of the six different colored Deeds or an Imperial Deed. These recipes will also require Souls, and Jewels (the Jewel required changes depending which type of Deed the player is crafting).

- We have increased the player Guild Seal cap from 1,500 to 2,000.
- When a player uses an Orb of Clans or Major Orb of Clans, it will now raise the player’s Guild Seal cap based on the amount the Orb of Clan gives (similar to how purchasing Guild Shop bundles would raise a player’s Guild Seal cap).
- We have also changed the Seal Reward for “Perfect Arena Run” to “Complete a Delve” (this applies to a Delve of any level).
- We have made some changes to Delves to help players who are on high Delve levels go back to do a lower-level Delve (see General below).
- Arena is getting a rework in a future update, so we have removed the Arena Run task in preparation for this.

We have made changes to the Guild Shop bundles to make them better for Guild of all sizes. The new Guild bundles will become available after weekly reset next week (to allow everyone time to update to the 4.7 Update).
- The Guild Shop bundle prices and one-per-week limit have not changed, they will continue to be the same as they previously were.
- We have removed the Guild Chest Keys given to all Guild Members but increased the amount of Gem Guild Gifts given to replace these Keys.
- The Guild Hero Bundle now contains:
- 10,000 Gold
- 1 Orb of Clans
- 4 Guild Gifts
- The Guild Champion Bundle now contains:
- 200 Gems
- 25,000 Gold
- 2 Orb of Clans
- 7 Guild Gifts
- The Guild Elite Bundle now contains:
- 1 Pet Gnome Bait
- 500 Gems
- 60,000 Gold
- 4 Orb of Clans
- 15 Guild Gifts
- Pet Gnome Bait is a new collectible that will guarantee the Player receives a Pet Gnome in their next PvP battle. It does not need to be activated – it automatically baits a Pet Gnome in the very next PvP Battle.
- The Pet Gnome encountered by using Pet Gnome Bait cannot run away, so player’s don’t have to worry about him disappearing (he’s called the Baited Pet Gnome).
- If a Pet Rescue is triggered while another Guild Member is fighting their Baited Pet Gnome, then the Pet Gnome bait is not consumed. The Baited Pet Gnome must trigger a Pet Rescue before it will be consumed.
- If an existing Pet Rescue is already running before the player can play a PvP battle, the Baited Pet Gnome will not appear, and the bait will not be consumed.
- Any Pet Gnome Bait a player owns will stack so if a player is unable to use it one week they will not miss out on the Pet Gnome Bait if they purchase the pack again.

- We have added new Guild unlockables for Guilds to earn. These rewards include:
- New Backgrounds
- New Shield Patterns
- New Shield Emblems
- The Guild Help Menu has been updated to improve clarity for information on each page.
- We have added 6 new Guild Guardians for players to collect. These Guardians will become available after weekly reset next week (to allow everyone time to update to the 4.7 Update).
- These new Guardians are:
- Treachery
- Persistence
- Ferocity
- Finesse
- Cunning
- Defiance
- With the release of the new Guild Guardians we have made some changes to how Guild Guardians appear in Guild Chests. Players now only need to have a Guardian at Mythic rarity with 4 copies of it, and then that Guardian will no longer appear in Guild Chests.

We’ve been listening to your feedback and have implemented 2 changes to Guild Wars to improve them.
- We have made a change so that the Guild score every day will use the top 27 Guild Members’ scores (if there are more than 27 in the Guild). This means that big Guilds who have up to 3 members absent during Guild Wars don’t feel punished for this (we understand that real life happens sometimes).
- We are giving rewards for Guilds who come first in their Bracket – they will earn 50 Gems (this is separate from rewards earned from the Guild War Leaderboard). This bonus will be given to Brackets 2 and below (this means Brackets 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.).

We have made some changes to Trophies, so they are more a measure of a player’s activity and players don’t feel like they need to play only PvP & Event matches to meet any Guild requirements.
- PvP (both Ranked and Casual) and Arena will continue to earn the same amount of Trophies and are unchanged.
- All of the Live Events in the game (e.g. Raid Boss, Guild Wars, Invasion, Bounty, Class Trials etc.) will give 2 Trophies.
- Explore will give Trophies based on the difficulty played
- Difficulty 1 – 4: 1 Trophies
- Difficulty 5 – 8: 2 Trophies
- Difficulty 9 – 12: 3 Trophies
- Challenges will give Trophies based on the Tier being completed
- Tier I – IV: 1 Trophies
- Tier V – VIII: 2 Trophies
- Tier IX – X: 3 Trophies
- Other battles will give 1 Trophy (this includes Quests, Dungeons, Adventures, etc).
- Test battles (aka battles to test Defence teams, or for fun against friends), will not give any Trophies.

Reflect vs. Stripping Armor We’ve noticed that Reflect is currently reflecting back damage when a spell strips all Armor off any Enemy (like Grave Knight or Mang). We’ve made some changes so that these spells that strip all Armor from a troop will no longer trigger Reflect. Any damage that happens after the Armor strip (in cases like Grave Knight) will still trigger Reflect. These changes will not apply to any spells that just decreases an amount of Armor (like the Nymph or Bone Dragon). Tian Yi
- We have changed his spell damage from normal splash damage to heavy splash damage, so he will do a little more damage to the adjacent Enemies.
- He now gains Magic a levels 8, 17, 19.
- His base spell damage has increased from 5 to 7.
- We’ve increased the Magic steal on his legendary trait, Monkey Magic, from 1 to 2.

- With the change to Guild Seal Tasks, we’ve made a small change to Delves so that once a player passes Delve Level 60, the lowest of the 3 Delve difficulties will no longer be higher than Delve Level 50. This means you no longer need to keep one Delve under-levelled.
- To address an exploit in Casual PVP, we have changed the Gold calculations so that Players will earn less Gold when fighting against Players whose Team score is much weaker than theirs (2000+ lower).
- We have added a new Holiday themed Logo for the season.

- We have fixed an issue where the Doomed Tome weapons were not giving Magic correctly when there was a Doom troop on the Enemy team.
- We have fixed several other minor Bugs.