5.6 Update

We have introduced a new special event, Gnome-a-Palooza.
- Gnome-a-Palooza is a timed event lasting 15 minutes.
- Gnome-a-Palooza can be started by crafting in the Soulforge, after collecting 4 unique Verses.
- These Verses are only dropped by the 4 members of the Gnome band, Mana Surge, Cindi Savagelips, Freddi Fretfiddler, Hoagi Humbucker and Baz Bonebeater.
- These Gnomes will crash battles in a similar way to regular Treasure Gnomes.
- Each Gnome will drop 1 of the 4 Verses, so players will need to find and kill all 4 to get enough Verses to craft Gnome-a-Palooza.
- Once Gnome-a-Palooza has started, a new music track will play for the duration of the event. Also, a timer will display on the World Map, showing the remaining time left for the Gnome-a-Palooza event.
- While Gnome-a-Palooza is active, 4 random Gnomes will appear in all PvP, Quest, Challenge, and Explore Battles.
- Also, while Gnome-a-Palooza is active, all gold earned from battles is doubled.
- Gnome-a-Palooza only applies to the person who crafts it (so it is not shared by anyone else).
- If you craft Gnome-a-Palooza, while Gnome-a-Palooza is running, the time will stack.
- There is a known issue where the Gnome-a-Palooza timer will not display if it runs for more than 1 hour (you’d have to craft 5 at once for this to occur, so not very likely).
- There is a known Issue where the enemy Hero is not replaced in PVP during Gnome-a-Palooza, however Gnome rewards are still being given like normal (as if the Hero was replaced).
- To ensure that the Mana Surge Gnomes will always give a verse, they do not have chance to give a Vault KEy (even during Vault Events).
- Mana Surge Gnomes will be added as a possible drops to Cedric’s & King Cedric’s loot at weekly reset next week. This gives time for players to update their game to the 5.6 update.

We have added several new Heroic Gems in this update. Some of these we will reveal in future Campaigns or special Events.

With the introduction of Heroic Gems, we wanted to prevent the rare case where the board gets locked up without any available moves. We have added a board reset to the puzzle game. If there are no available moves on the board, the board will be completely cleared and refilled with new Gems. All troops will also be completely Mana Drained (even if they are normally immune to mana drain), to prevent any spell combination that could cause the board to lock up in an endless loop.

We have introduced 2 new Warbands for you to try out, Dark Assassins and Poison Fangs. We will be removing 2 Warbands – Armored Legion and Entangled Woods, as the new Warbands will be replacing them.
Armored Legion and Entangled Woods will return at a future time.
To ensure that everyone has a chance to update their game, the new Warbands will be released at Daily Reset on Thursday AEST. This helps prevent the new content causing issues for players still on 5.5.1 version.

We have made some changes so that Lycanthropy should behave more like the spell Transform effect.
- Lycanthropy will now halve the level of the Troop when it is transformed.
- We have changed the visual effect when Lycanthropy transforms a troop. As the previous version was causing confusion due to the similarities to devour.
- We have added a new sound effect for Lycanthropy when a troop is inflicted with Lycanthropy and when Lycanthropy triggers on the troop.
- We have made changes so if a Valraven or random Gnome is transformed by Lycanthropy, they will still give their rewards.
- We have made changes so if an Enemy required for a Campaign Task is transformed by Lycanthropy, it will still count as a kill for the Task.

We have added 2 new Achievements for this update (applies to Steam, Xbox One, PS4, and Android only)
- The Rolling Gnomes – Craft a Gnome-a-Palooza Event.
- Mic Drop – Earn a Verse from a Mana Surge Band Gnome.

- With Gnomes causing mischief all over Krystara, they have caused the first time Gem Purchase bonus to be reset, allowing everyone to take advantage of it again.
- The Skip Button for Campaign Tasks should now display the gem cost on the button.
- Players will now be able to select and view popup help or information for different rewards on the Warband Booster Pack menu.
- We have made some changes to Uber Doomstorm so it has it’s correct graphics for while the Storm is active, and adjust the chance of an Uber Doomskull appearing.
- We have added a new Storm, Howlstorm, that will increase the chance of a Lycanthropy Gem appearing while it is active.
- Like Uber Doomstorm, this storm can currently only be conjured by spells or traits that create a random storm.

- We have fixed an issue where Doomskull damage was sometimes calculated incorrectly in complex gem matches.
- We have fixed an issue where Create Gem spells that target Doomskulls, or Uber Doomskulls were just creating Skulls.
- We have fixed an issue where Players were unable to equip a weapon card by dragging once the card is removed from the team by selecting the remove button.
- We have fixed an issue when a new Event Medal’s graphic would have a display issue when they were equipped over an old event medal.
- We have fixed an issue where the background for War Cache or War Hoard in the Daily Deal did not fit correctly.
- We have fixed an issue where Troops in Advent Calendars were not displaying in the ‘Today’s Offer’ reward section.
- We have fixed an issue where a Tiered Offer’s stock would display as restored after purchasing all stock from one of the offers.
- We have fixed an issue where the Total Banners in the Collection Progress Screen was not counting Warband banners.
- We have fixed an issue where the scroll arrows disappeared when a filter was used and there were less than 11 results.
- We have fixed an issue on Switch, where teams with Doom Troops could not be shared correctly.
- We have fixed an issue where the Gem cost for skipping a Campaign Task was not displaying on the Task Option menu.
- We have fixed an issue where the player’s equipped pet would go missing after the hero’s spell is cast a 2nd time or more.
- We have fixed an issue where the total number of pets in the collection progress screen was incorrect.
- We have fixed an issue where a player was unable to select a player profile in the Leaderboard when using the controller for the first time.
- We have fixed an issue where players kicked from a guild could still chat in the guild chat.
- We have fixed an issue where the Guild Menu background would not display after completing a Guild Wars battle.
- We have fixed an issue where Lycanthropy Gems’s power to inflict Lycanthropy to a random Troop would still trigger if the Gem was removed.
- We have also fixed an assortment of smaller issues.
This update will be available on Steam, iOS, Android, Xbox, PlayStation and Switch.