6.3 Update: Depths Below

- Deep Delves are a new way to play Delves in unlocked Factions.
- When an existing Faction has a weekend event, a new Deep Delve Map will be released. This allows Deep Delves to then become available for this Faction.
- Deep Delves have a cost of 2 Delve Energy + 10,000 Gold to run
- A Faction must be at Delve level 100 or higher to be able to be upgraded to a Deep Delve.
- Deep Delves are an empowered version of a Faction Delve, with a few differences:
- Deep Delves start at a higher treasure multiplier compared to regular Delves.
- Deep Delves guarantees a special new room that only appears in Deep Delves, the Gnome’s Treasure Room. (more on this below).
- The Gnome Treasure is a special room which will randomly spawn in a Deep Delve (so it can appear in any location except for the Starting Room and Boss Room).
- This room will spawn a random Gnome that will give loot (like a regular random Gnome spawn in battles). The Gnome is unknown until players enter the battle.
- As Deep Delves requires 2 Delve Attempts to play, we have added a new Delve Attempt purchase offer that players can access from the Delve menu.
- This offer gives 3 Delve Attempts for Gems, starting at 50 Gems. However each time it is purchased per day the Gem cost will increase.
- The Gem cost will reset daily.

We have expanded the Treasure Hoard in Factions.
- Starting at Treasure Hoard Level 100+, players will now unlock a potion at set levels to aid them in Delves for that Faction.
- At Treasure Hoard Level 200 players will unlock a Potion of Power and will unlock further stacks of the Potion of Power every 25 levels after that.
- These potions are identical to the ones you unlock in Shop-Tiers in a regular event.
- Potion of Explosion, Potion of Rejuvenation and Potion of Power can stack with the potions that can be unlocked during a Faction Assault event within a Faction.
- Players can view all their unlocked potions from the Level tab in the Treasure Hoard menu.

- Quest Conversations have had a visual upgrade to a new comic book style
- Conversations will now autoplay through the sequences.
- Players can still click to speed ahead to the next part or use the skip button to skip the conversation.
- Over time we will make further changes to conversations with different conversation layouts, and add a wider range of characters into the story, using the existing Troops that have not previously been available until now.

We will be retiring our previous New Adventurer, Expert Adventurer and Master Adventurer Starter bundles, and introducing new Starter Sets for newer players in the Adventurer’s Path Hero Shop.
- Each Starter Set has a series of 3 offers that players can purchase
- Offer 1: This offer gives an Epic Troop and resources to help level it
- Offer 2: This offer gives a new Weapon specially designed to work with the Epic Troop, as well as resources to help upgrade it
- Offer 3: This offer gives a new Pet that will give bonus Skill Points to the Epic Troop. (More on this new Pet ability below).
- There will be 6 new Starter Sets that will be available, though only 3 will be available at a time.
- Starter Sets will display in the Adventurer’s Path Hero Shop for 3 Days before they will change to a different Starter Set.
- Starter Sets will remember where players were up to, so if they didn’t purchase an offer the first time around they will have a chance to purchase an offer at a later date when that set reappears.
- If a player purchases all 6 Starter Sets, they will get new Soul offers they can purchase to further upgrade their Troops.
- Older Players who do not have access to the Adventurer’s Path Hero Shop will be able to craft the new Weapons from these packs in the Soulforge during Weekly events in that Kingdom. They will also be able to find the new Pet as a possible random drop from Pet Gnomes.

As part of the New Player Starter Sets, we have added a new ability that Pets can have – Individual Troop Buff. This ability will give bonus points to all Skills on a single Troop (and only that Troop). Upgrading the Pet will increase the amount of points given to that Troop.

We have made some improvements to the Kingdom Slayer Weapons
- Kingdom Slayer Weapons will now not only deal double damage to enemies from that Kingdom but to any enemy when fighting a battle within that Kingdom.
- Most Kingdom Slayer Weapons have had a visual update to their weapon art. These include:
- Pistol of Adana
- Tome of Karakoth
- Choker of Zhul’Kari
- Staff of the Fields
- Bow of Thorns
- Staff of Whitehelm
- Lute of the Vale
- Scythe of Khetar
- Spear of the Pride
- Shield of the Edge
- Staff of the Wild
- Idol of Darkstone
- Scythe of the Blight
- Chalice of the Peaks
- Pendant of the Empire
- Torc of the Dragon
- Flintlock of Blackhawk
- Runestone of Silverglade
- Javelin of Suncrest
- Aegis of Urskaya
- Trident of Merlantis
- Staff of Bright Forest
- Scythe of Sin
- To help promote the Kingdom Slayer Weapon bundles to newer players while they are playing a Kingdom’s questline, the new players will see a pop up on the World Map for the Kingdom Slayer Bundle where they can purchase the bundle.

We have added an entirely new way to play out a battle. Autoplay will allow an AI-controlled player to take over the game for you in certain game modes.
- Autoplay will let an AI play for the player within a battle.
- Autoplay will be available for everyone to use.
- Autoplay can only be used in Explore and Challenge battles.
- Autoplay can be activated in a battle from the drop down menu that also has Chat and Game Speed.
- While Autoplay is running the game speed will be locked to 1.5x speed.
- Autoplay will only run for 1 battle so will need to be selected again for the next battle.
- Players can cancel Autoplay by tapping on the Pause button in the top left corner.
- This button replaces the drop down arrow button while Autoplay is running.

We have 2 new Achievements for this update:
- Delved Too Deep: Complete a Deep Delve.
- Power Overwhelming: Unlock a Potion of Power in a Treasure Hoard in 1 Faction.

- We have made some changes to Faction Assault weekend events for released Factions. They will now release a new Troop for the Faction.
- These Troops will be available from the Event Shop at first but will then release in Chaos Portals 4 weeks after the event.
- We have merged the Gold, Souls and Treasure Map 15-Day Subscriptions into a single subscription called Daily Loot.
- When purchased Players will gain an immediate bonus of a Medal of Orpheus, 50,000 Gold, 1,400 Souls, and 6 Treasure Maps
- Each day players will receive 20,000 Gold, 700 Souls and 3 Treasure Maps
- Daily Loot subscriptions will cost $19.99
- This new Daily Loot Subscription will not be available on Switch, but we will be looking to add it in a future Update.
- We have made an improvement to the Adventurer’s Path > Hero Level so that when entering the menu, it will default to the player’s current progress through it.
- We have added a button to Adventurer’s Path > Hero Level > Feature Pop up, so once the feature is unlocked the player can use that button to go directly to that feature from that menu.
- We have visually updated the New Hero Pass Purchase popup.
- We have adjusted the difficulty in Kingdom Quest battles.

- We have fixed an issue where players over level 100 were still seeing the Adventurer’s Path button on the World Map when they shouldn’t have.
- We have fixed an issue where Bomb Gems’ explosion would trigger when the Gem was removed.
- We have fixed an assortment of smaller issues.