April Event Calendar

No tricks or fools this April, just a slightly delayed calendar.. so maybe one fool ( being me)

The main events of note for the month are:

  • 12th – 14th: Expanded Faction event in The Deep Hive
  • 29th of April – 12th of May: The May Queen Holiday event

Also just a reminder through April there are some studio holidays, so we appreciate your patience as we work around those dates. For more information: Studio Holiday dates

*While events are scheduled in advance, sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances the events may be swapped or changed last minute. So please be aware that when the schedule is shared, it is also subject to change.

Reminder: We have an article that covers what each of these different icons are, for the various events in Gems of War. As well as links further to a list of the Class, Faction and Kingdom shields!