A New Mythic Approaches – The Turquoise Emperor
New Mythic Troop: The Turquoise Emperor The Turquoise Emperor will be the only Mythic Troop available in Glory, Gem, Guild & VIP Chests for the next 7 days.
Monsterous Mess (Nintendo Switch)
New Ultra-Rare Troop: Sea Scavanger The Sea Scavanger will be available this week for 300 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. World Event: Servant
Things of Stone and Wood
New Ultra-Rare Troop: Petrified Treant The Petrified Treant will be available this week for 300 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. New Legendary Troop:
October Event Calendar
Hey all,Get out your broomsticks and prepare your pumpkins, the spooky season is upon us!Here is a look at October* 30th October - 12th of November is the Halloween Holiday event. 25th – 31st there will be a Halloween Advent
Faction Expansion – The Warrens (Nintendo Switch)
This weekend The Warrens is getting an expansion. The faction's Deep Delve will become available for players to enjoy (once they complete Delve Level 100 or higher). It will also be gaining a new Epic Troop - the Lapina Healer. This troop
New Soulforge Weapon: The Ruby Macaque
div class="feature"> The lost Treasure of Dread Captain Grim has been found at last. The Ruby Macaque is now craftable from the Soulforge. It requires the Dread Arquebus, Dread Cutlass, and the Lodestar from the current Campaign rewards, as well
Campaign Ending: The Dread Captain’s Chest
Campaign Ending Soon The final week of the Campaign is upon us! This is your last chance to earn rewards from the Campaign, or purchase an Elite Pass to earn some of the following rewards. Dread Captain Grim Once the campaign ends,
Eagle Vrawk (Nintendo Switch)
New Epic Troop: Vrawk Daemon The Vrawk Daemon will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. World Event: At
Over Easy
New Guide Troop: Sir Ailuin Sir Ailuin will be available in the Journey Shop, and will appear in Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP chests in 3-4 weeks' time. Please note the Pathfinder trait is a unique Trait, this means the Trait cannot
Faction Expansion – City of Thieves
This weekend City of Thieves is getting an expansion. The faction's Deep Delve will become available for players to enjoy (once they complete Delve Level 100 or higher). It will also be gaining a new Epic Troop - the Fence. This troop