December Event Calendar
Firstly a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the various Anniversary events we have been running through November! Don’t forget, if you did miss out on any of the Troops or Pets, they will be available later to collect and craft, as mentioned in the November blog.
Onto December! It’s time to close out the year and look at what is ahead for the last weeks of 2024!

- Krampusnacht Battlecrasher Event: 6th Dec
- New Mythic for Stormheim: 6th Dec
- Christmas Holiday Event: 16th – 29th
- Christmas Advent Calendar:
- Faction Expansion – Dripping Caverns: 20th – 22nd
- PvP Season – Sand: ends on the 23rd Dec.
- PvP Season – Chaos: begins 23rd Dec
- Christmas Pet Rescue: 25th December!

Studio closed dates are:
- December 24th – January 1st
During this period, as normal, should any critical bugs appear we will have devs standing by to jump on and get them resolved as soon as we can.
This involves wide-spread game-blocking issues such as players being unable to launch the game, servers going down, etc. Should you require any further assistance, don’t forget to check our Help Centre for general troubleshooting tips in the meantime, and we will get back to you as soon as we are back in the studio!
If you experience any purchasing issues, such as duplicate charges or not receiving a purchase, please contact your platform ASAP
- Apple Support: https://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/
- Google Play Support: https://support.google.com/googleplay/
- Steam Support: https://help.steampowered.com/
- PlayStation Support: https://support.us.playstation.com/
- Xbox Support: https://support.xbox.com/

*While events are scheduled in advance, sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances the events may be swapped or changed last minute. So please be aware that when the schedule is shared, it is also subject to change.
Reminder: We have an article that covers what each of these different icons are, for the various events in Gems of War. As well as links further to a list of the Class, Faction and Kingdom shields!
Additionally, if there are any further updates on Guild Wars, we will add them to the following article: Guild Wars Updates