Devil Inside

New Epic Troop: Red Ahriman

Red Ahriman will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time.

World Event: By Fire and Magic

There are 6 battles that players can encounter during the event: Dark Troll, Aquaticus, Mistralus, Infernus, Obsidius, and Tihamata. The first 5 battles are randomly chosen, but they all have an equal chance of appearing on the map.

The battle against Tihamata will only appear after the player wins 4 of the other battles. However, her battle will not hang around; if you don’t fight her immediately, she may vanish! Either way, after that, all battles reset, and you’ll need to fight another 4 to spawn Tihamata again.

You can find the following rewards for each of the different battles you may encounter.

  • Dark Troll: 6 Treasures
  • Aquaticus: 8 Treasures
  • Mistralus: 9 Treasures
  • Infernus: 10 Treasures
  • Obsidius: 12 Treasures
  • Tihamata: 1 Tihamata’s Heart
Each Treasure is worth 1 point, and each Tihamata’s Heart is worth 20 points. The battles against Dark Troll, Aquaticus, Mistralus, Infernus, and Obsidius will drop a variable number of Treasures (on average about 1.18x the base amount). As the battles against Tihamata get harder, they will increase the amount of Tihamata’s Hearts given by 100%.