Dinner Time!
What’s the time, Mister Wolf?
Ever wondered what a Manticore tastes like?
Well, Ralph the Ogre did, and so he set out on a long journey from his home in the north towards the Leonis Empire.
On the way, Ralph stopped to sample a Gorgon, a Chupacabra, 2 or 3 Sand Sharks, a Sphinx, and a whole cave-full of Rock Worms. It could safely be said he’d definitely acquired a taste for monster-flesh at this point, as evidenced by the fact he decided to change his name from Ralph to the quite ostentatious, but ever-so-more-descriptive, Monster Muncher.
Finally, after months on the road, he arrived in the Leonis Empire, only to discover that Manticores are worshipped as creatures sacred to the God Orpheus, and as such are confined to Orpheus’ Temple Gardens, and tended to by the Devoted.
Once an Ogre makes up its mind, there isn’t going to be a lot of deviation from that plan though. Monster Muncher, the Ogre formerly known as Ralph, wanted to eat a Manticore, and he was going to do just that. So… He attempted to sneak into one of Orpheus’ Temples by smashing its door from the hinges in the middle of the day (rather superfluous, because the door wasn’t actually locked). He was quite surprised when the Humans in the temple saw through his stealthy approach, so he decided to play it cool and inquire about the potential acquisition of a Manticore in a traditional Ogreish fashion, by squashing the nearest 2 living things and yelling “MAAAAANTICOOOORE!”
The failure of the nearby creatures to understand him – in fact the sheer rudeness with which they turned and ran – made Monster Muncher sad. He was so sad that he squashed 3 more and went in search of the Manticores himself. Fortunately they weren’t too far away; after smashing just 3 or 4 walls he found a dozen of the creatures, all curled up fast asleep, pampered and well-fed. Monster Muncher berated himself… the Humans had obviously understood him after all, and to apologize for their rudeness had laid out this fine meal. He said thanks to Orpheus, and tucked in.
* Now gains 1 extra Magic at level 20
* Spell now deals double damage vs Elves instead of Fey
* Replaced Stone Brand trait with Big
* Now gains 1 extra Magic at level 20
* Spell now deals double damage vs Goblins instead of Monsters
Dragon Cruncher
* Now gains 1 extra Magic at level 20
* Spell now deals double damage vs Dragons instead of Elementals
The following troops are available for refund for the next week:
* Elf-Eater
* Gob-Chomper
* Dragon Cruncher
Please note this Event is on the the XBox One, PS4, PC and Mobile versions of the game (yes that’s ALL of them!).