Orcs will try riding anything that moves – it speaks to their animalstic instincts to dominate the world around them. They’ll also try stealing anything, eating anything, and in some cases mating with anything… And if none of the above seem viable, it’s likely they’ll just paint war-symbols on it.
The Orc Lord Vor’Karn decided, one day, to ride the biggest, meanest wolf he could find. Just tracking the wolf took him 2 months, but the moment he laid eyes on it, he simply raced forward and leaped upon its back. The way Vor’Karn tells the story, they struggled for 3 days and nights, fording 4 rivers, crashing through 3 villages, demolishing one castle rampart, and breaking the leg of a young adult dragon who flew down to see what all the ruckus was about.
Some time on that third day, it seems Vor’Karn, and Big Wolf, as he imaginatively named his new acquaintance, aligned their goals, spurred on by a shared love of breaking things.
They’ve been a happy couple ever since.
Vor’Karn will be available in the Invasion Shop, and will appear in Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP chests in 3-4 weeks’ time.
Orcs can’t do anything the easy way.
Like you and I, Orcs have a passion for bacon, but rather than domesticating pigs, they did the opposite. Orcish Boar-Herds (an honored occupation among the clans) spend their time finding the nastiest, most deranged wild boars, breeding them, then mistreating their young. They’ve done this for so many generations, that these Dire Boars (as they’ve become known) are so ferocious, that it’s unusual when one is captured and Boar-Herd DOESN’T lose a body part. In short, they’ve weaponized pork.
In Orcish culture, this is a fine thing though… they believe the Bacon tastes better when the Boar’s been blooded!
Dire Boar will be available for 300 Glory in the Rewards tab of the Shop, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time.
If there’s one thing Orcs know how to do it’s to make a weapon that wrecks your enemy’s armor, and makes a horrendous noise while doing so, making its wielder more and more ferocious with each strike (in fact that’s exactly where the name ‘Mang’ comes from… it doesn’t actually mean anything in Orcish, it’s just the sound the weapon makes when it rips a Knight’s armor apart like a giant rusty can-opener).
So it was little surprise when Gar’Nok’s smiths forged the weapon Earth’s Fury. It still does all of the above, but it makes SUCH an unholy racket that your friends get angry too! (Earth’s Fury is a rough translation from the Orcish ‘Arghak-Rok Graaar Gr-bluk’ or ‘Sound that would makes rocks cry in anger’)
This week it will be available in both the Invasion shop, and in the Soulforge.