Flame On!
1.0.7 is out and PAX Australia is done! Time for a new weekly event, balance changes, and then generally collapsing into a corner. Read on!
New Troop: Salamander (he burns people)
Some creatures just want to watch the world burn. For the Salamander though, that’s just because he likes to stay toasty warm, and by “toasty warm” we mean “able to melt through rock”. Salamanders can be found in the Pridelands, where they spend most of their lives burrowed into the earth enjoying a nice bit of geothermal energy. Unfortunately once or twice a year, they emerge, looking for a nice roast dinner, though when you think about it, for a Salamander, EVERY dinner is a roast dinner.
With the urge to burn things comes the need for a Status Effect that reflects that. What makes up burning?
-Deals 3 damage every turn.
-Affects Armor first before dealing damage to Life.
-Can be cleansed.
-Also like poison, it will not kill a troop.
Balance Changes
No Longer gains Magic at levels 4 and 9
Base Damage for her spell has been reduced from 2 to 0, so all her damage comes from her Magic.
Gem creation no longer scales off Magic. Now creates 9 Green Gems.
Damage now scales off of magic.
No surprise here – we all knew Webspinner was extremely powerful.
We played LOTS of Webspinner games over the last few days, and had lots of data to look at from the weekend.
We’ve tried dozens of new Webspinner builds today, and this one feels good… she can still loop, though not nearly as easily, and she CAN still power herself in combination with the right banner and high masteries. You just need to be a little more selective when to user her, but remember, her damage did get a nice buff which scales nicely with all the new bonuses available!
No Longer gains Magic at levels 5, 8, and 13
Now gains magic at level 15
Gem creation no longer scales off Magic. Now creates 10 Green Gems and 10 Blue Gems.
Spell now gives an Attack Buff, which scales off Magic.
Jarl Firemantle
No Longer gains Magic at levels 4 and 7
Gem creation no longer scales off Magic. Now creates 10 Red Gems and 10 Yellow Gems.
Damage now scales off of magic.
Base Spell Damage reduced from 7 to 4
Gem creation no longer scales off Magic. Now creates 11 Gems of chosen Ally’s Mana Color.
Restore Life has been changed to Gain Life and now Scales off Magic.
Base Life Gain restore has been reduced from 10 to 2.
Mana Cost increased from 12 to 14.
Bear Totem
Reduced mana cost from 12 to 9

With the PVP reset comes payouts in Souls for your efforts on the battlefield against other players. Remember, you’ll have until the next event to climb as high as you can and earn yourself some souls. Here’s what you can earn at each rank:
- * Rank 1: 300 Souls
- * Rank 2: 150 Souls
- * Rank 3: 80 Souls
- * Rank 4: 60 Souls
- * Rank 5: 50 Souls
- * Rank 6: 40 Souls
- * Rank 7: 35 Souls
- * Rank 8: 30 Souls
- * Rank 9: 25 Souls
- * Rank 10: 20 Souls
- * Rank 11: 16 Souls
- * Rank 12: 12 Souls
- * Rank 13: 8 Souls
- * Rank 14: 4 Souls
- * Rank 15: 0 Souls
Here’s who came out on top of Trophies collected for the week!
Hero Name | Trophies Earned |
DSK88 | 689 |
zweetluck | 657 |
Jessica | 628 |
AliAl | 625 |
Charles | 606 |
FY50022 | 554 |
masacruak | 548 |
dhjl | 541 |
Blacky | 530 |
Whooper | 519 |
Dogmanner | 510 |
perfectlyvalid | 507 |
kinkidkiss | 483 |
Exyro | 482 |
shadownadness | 480 |
Rock | 471 |
GeoFruck | 461 |
zyssie | 460 |
Yxsy | 453 |
Zoot | 448 |
Here’s the leading Heroes in level for this week!
Hero Name | Level |
esslee | 856 |
Chollyz | 853 |
korsden59 | 810 |
Dwaalkameel | 791 |
Ania | 788 |
zqxinran | 766 |
volan35 | 721 |
Geran | 718 |
Misu | 706 |
Jikova | 687 |
Janius | 684 |
namdal | 683 |
Ljy 001 | 681 |
fromthestar | 667 |
MaHo | 665 |
Scorpio0402 | 665 |
Patricia | 659 |
senanet | 639 |
outlander | 635 |
Chuckova | 613 |
Level 1000 Hall of Fame
- *-Mr.Sammy-
- *dhjl
- *techn9neee
- *Krammaster
- *Jhhyyg
- *DSK88
- *And…. no one else…. yet!