Holiday Event: Haunted Holiday
Holiday Event
For the next 2 weeks we will have the Haunted Holiday event. Win Battles against Mydnight Enemies to earn Candy that can be spent in the Event Shop for Rewards.

New Legendary Troop: Haunted Doll
The featured reward in Haunted Holiday is the Legendary Troop, Haunted Doll.

Other Rewards
Other rewards available in the this event are:
- Haunted Doll’s Puppet: This pet will give a Skill buff to Firenza.
- Witch Armor: This is a cosmetic Armor for you to show off.
- Traitstone Pack: These Traitstones can be used to unlock all Traits on Haunted Doll.
- Pet Food Bundle: Contains enough Pet Food to fully level Haunted Doll’s Puppet.
- Orb of Power: This Orb can be used to fully upgrade a Troop to max Level, rarity and fully traited. (Does not give Elite Levels).
- Haunted Doll’s Golden Puppet: This cosmetic pet can be earned by fully purchasing all stock for Haunted Doll’s Puppet or by purchasing the Golden Holiday Battle Pack 5 times.
- White Pet Food Bundle: This offer is unlocked once the Pet Food Bundle has been purchased.
- Legendary Medal Bundle: This offer is unlocked once the Traitstone Bundle has been purchased.
- Major Orb of Chaos Bundle: This offer is unlocked once the Orb of Power has been purchased.