Love Is In The Air
Shine a little love this week…
New Troop: Imp Of Love
Not all Imps are seasonal, as our new friend this week proves!
Welcome the Imp of Love. He’s here to spread a little romance throughout the tattered and troubled lands of Krystara.
He’s even inspired a new bit of poetry, from everyone’s (except Dark Song) favorite Orcish Poet, Gar’Nok:
I love you like I love red meat.
You’re tough, and warm and good to eat.
I love you like I love my axe.
You’re weighted quite well, and when I hold you, I want to kill, and MAIM, and KNOCK THINGS DOWN! RAAWWWWRRRR!!!!
It’s no surprise Gar’Nok gets all the girl Orcs.

With the PVP reset comes payouts in Souls for your efforts on the battlefield against other players. Remember, you’ll have until the next event to climb as high as you can and earn yourself some souls. Here’s what you can earn at each rank:
- * Rank 1: 300 Souls, 2000 Gold, 100 Glory, 10 Glory Keys
- * Rank 2: 150 Souls, 1500 Gold, 50 Glory, 5 Glory Keys
- * Rank 3: 80 Souls, 1000 Gold, 40 Glory
- * Rank 4: 60 Souls, 900 Gold, 30 Glory
- * Rank 5: 50 Souls, 800 Gold, 20 Glory
- * Rank 6: 40 Souls, 700 Gold, 10 Glory
- * Rank 7: 35 Souls, 600 Gold, 5 Glory
- * Rank 8: 30 Souls, 500 Gold
- * Rank 9: 25 Souls, 400 Gold
- * Rank 10: 20 Souls, 300 Gold
- * Rank 11: 16 Souls, 200 Gold
- * Rank 12: 12 Souls, 100 Gold
- * Rank 13: 8 Souls, 50 Gold
- * Rank 14: 4 Souls, 10 Gold
- * Rank 15: 1 Gold
Check out the new Gems of War Wiki. Courtesy of Mr.Sammy!
Please note this Event only applies to Steam, iOS and Android versions of the game.