Moa Invasion
Happy Thanksgiving, Adventurers!
It’s the most featherful time of the year, as the Great Moa Invasion has begun!
The migratory patterns of Moas are surprisingly predictable (for a creature with a brain the size of broad bean) so it’s this time every year when the inhabitants of Krystara give thanks for the delicious Moa dinners they about to receive. As an added bonus, aside from the delicious dwarf-sized drumsticks, a bounty is offered, of an extra Traitstone reward in every battle where a Moa is defeated – in PvP and Dungeons.
So what does this mean for you, Moa-Slayer Extraordinaire? Moas will randomly appear in Ranked and Casual PVP battles and have overrun Dungeons (save for the Dungeon Bosses, who like their new feathered minions). Completing any PVP or Dungeon battle with a Moa in it will grant a bonus traitstone (Note that is NOT one Traitstone per Moa… it is one extra Traitstone total… we see through your evil plans of 4-Moa defense teams… that’s just too delicious… and nobody needs 8 drumsticks per battle!!!)
The Moa Invasion will last until the Weekly Reset next week (Monday 27th November 7am GMT), when they return back to Divinion Fields to rest.
Please note this event will be available on PC, Mobile, PS4 and XBox One.