New Guild Wars – Sneak Peek 2
Hello Adventurers, We have a little more info for you on our upcoming Guild Wars feature. Work is continuing here, and we’re on track to have it in our next update. Today we’re going to briefly look at 3 things – when Guild Wars will happen, choosing your keep, and setting defense teams.. Remember – everything here is still a work-in-progress and may change before release.
When? It’s all about flexibility!
This time around, we’ve built Guild Wars with more flexibility in mind. Previously, Guild Wars was a whole-week event that was in the rotation every month or so. It ran alongside another event (although initially it ran in place of one). All that kind of left poor Guild Wars in an in-between state – was it a real event, or wasn’t it? This time around, we’ve set up Guild Wars as an independent entity. It can run for 1 day, 2 days, right up to 10 days if we want! It can also begin on any day of the week. The flexibility will allow us to tune the frequency of Guild Wars to how you – the players – would like it. Initially, we’re going to replace Arena Weekends, running a 4-day GW event from Thursday to Sunday. Once we’ve had a chance to see how it’s working, we’ll look at mixing that up. To support this flexibility, the Guild Wars button has a new location in the Guild Menu
Choosing a Keep
Just like before, Guild Wars are not compulsory. You can choose for your Guild to opt out and not play – no drama, though you might miss out on some good rewards! Below we have a screenshot of the setup menu, where the guild leaders can choose a Keep (and/or opt out of Guild Wars) before the event begins. This can be locked-in up to 2 days before the Guild War begins. After that, the Keep is locked-in for the entire event, and everyone gets to set up their defense teams.
Setting Defense Teams
Once the Keep is locked in, players have up until 1 hour before the Guild War starts to choose a location in the Keep and set their defenders. Each keep has a colored restriction in the final location – the Palace (worth the most points). It also has a unique set of Troop Type restrictions in the 9 other locations. Attackers will ALL enter through the Gate, but after that, they may choose a path towards the Palace. Attackers are rewarded for each “Full Set” of buildings they defeat, so spreading out your strongest defenders can be a good idea. Below we have a screenshot of the setup menu. You can see dots indicating how many defenders are in each location. In a perfect scenario, with 30 members, each location has 3 people in it. Attackers will fight a defender, chosen at random. If there are NO defenders in a location, then the attacker will get a slightly easier PvE battle vs. the “Keep Guardian”. (more on him next time)