Shadow Dragon Updates
Hi Adventurers!
We’ve been reading through all your feedback since we updated Shadow Dragon yesterday, with a new focus on True Damage. In our mind, Shadow Dragon was really missing something that linked back to the imagery its name conjured up. In redesigning the Evernight spell, we hoped to deliver a sense of turning daylight to dusk, and sudden violent strikes against your enemies in the darkness. It’s important for us that a player can have a good sense of what a troop might do, whether that’s from names, imagery, or anything else.
But with all the feedback we’ve read, it’s become apparent Shadow Dragon is very closely associated with its Poison ability. Today we’re rolling out a further change to Shadow Dragon that restores its Poison ability, and reduces its Mana cost a smidge. Let us know what you think of the new design after you have had a chance to play with it!
As always, feedback from players is so intricately linked to keeping Gems of War a great game, so keep it coming!