Silver Lining

New Epic Troop: Skrymir the Lofty

Skrymir the Lofty is one of Stormheim’s Cloud Giants, but not a typical one… He’s a lover not a fighter.

Possessed of a magical Golden Harp, Skrymir can charm his allies into protecting him, which allows him more time for composing love ballads to woo the lady giants.

Skrymir the Lofty will be available for 400 Glory, and also in Event Chests this week. After the usual 3-4 weeks, he will be available in Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP Chests.

New Legendary Troop: Hyndla Frostcrown

As Queen of the Frost Giants, Hyndla Frostcrown often find herself in conflict with the more powerful Fire Giant clans, and especially Jarl Firemantle.

The many storms in the mountains at night are often attributed to Hyndla, Jarl, and Jotnar fighting it out amongst the peaks. If a cold-snap follows the storm, the common folk believe Hyndla won the day.

Hyndla Frostcrown will be available exclusively in Event Chests this week. After the usual 3-4 weeks, she will be available in Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP Chests.

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