Solar Power (Nintendo Switch)
New Ultra-Rare Troop: S.O.L.A.R
The S.O.L.A.R will be available this week for 300 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time.

World Event: Shooting Stars
There are 5 battles that players can encounter during the event: S.O.L.A.R, P4-NTH4, Carnex, DRACOS 1337, and TINA-9000. Battles cycle through a series of rounds that repeat each time.
- Round 1 – This round contains an equal chance of the S.O.L.A.R, P4-NTH4, and Carnex battles. After defeating 2 battles, players will move to round 2.
- Round 2 – This round contains an equal chance of the P4-NTH4, Carnex, and DRACOS 1337 battles. After defeating 2 battles, players will move to round 3.
- Round 3 – This round contains an equal chance of the Carnex, DRACOS 1337, and TINA-9000 battles. After defeating 2 battles, players will move back to round 1.
- S.O.L.A.R: 5 Machine Parts
- P4-NTH4: 10 Machine Parts
- Carnex: 4 Machine Parts and 1 Broken Switch
- DRACOS 1337: 6 Machine Parts and 1 Broken Switch
- TINA-9000: 2 Machine Parts and 2 Broken Switches