Thunder Down Under
Light up the skies this New year’s Eve with your very own Storm Giant!
New Troop: Zephyros
Zephyros, the Lord of Storms, has stormed into Stormheim… very stormily. It seems Jarl Firemantle has had his own way for too long, and much like the UFC, a new challenger has entered the ring… hopefully this battle lasts a bit longer than Connor McGregor’s last fight though!

With the PVP reset comes payouts in Souls for your efforts on the battlefield against other players. Remember, you’ll have until the next event to climb as high as you can and earn yourself some souls. Here’s what you can earn at each rank:
- * Rank 1: 300 Souls, 2000 Gold, 100 Glory, 10 Glory Keys
- * Rank 2: 150 Souls, 1500 Gold, 50 Glory, 5 Glory Keys
- * Rank 3: 80 Souls, 1000 Gold, 40 Glory
- * Rank 4: 60 Souls, 900 Gold, 30 Glory
- * Rank 5: 50 Souls, 800 Gold, 20 Glory
- * Rank 6: 40 Souls, 700 Gold, 10 Glory
- * Rank 7: 35 Souls, 600 Gold, 5 Glory
- * Rank 8: 30 Souls, 500 Gold
- * Rank 9: 25 Souls, 400 Gold
- * Rank 10: 20 Souls, 300 Gold
- * Rank 11: 16 Souls, 200 Gold
- * Rank 12: 12 Souls, 100 Gold
- * Rank 13: 8 Souls, 50 Gold
- * Rank 14: 4 Souls, 10 Gold
- * Rank 15: 1 Gold