6.2 Update: The Secret Hoard

- Adventurer’s Path is a new feature aimed at players level 1- 100, to help introduce them to the many game systems that make up Gems of War. For those players, it will appear on the World Map.
- For players above level 100, they can access the Adventurer’s Path from the Hero Profile Menu.
- Through the Adventurer’s Path, players will now unlock all features accessed from leveling up their Hero. Players can view when a feature will unlock from the Hero Level menu.
- Some levels may trigger a World Quest, which will unlock the feature.
- See more on World Quests below
- This is similar to the old Dungeon and Soulforge quests that players previously completed to unlock those features.
- We’ll be doing more with World Quests in future updates!
- As players reach each level milestone they will not only unlock new features or game modes, but also earn rewards.
- Players can also purchase the New Hero’s Pass to unlock additional rewards to help them progress.
- Players can access the current kingdom quest line they are playing through the Adventure Button, which will also allow players to unlock new kingdoms and play their quests when they finish an existing quest line.
- As players win battles, a counter on the Adventure button will tick up. Every 5 battles, the player will earn a Key.
- Keys will need to be collected from the menu manually. Players can collect from 1-5 keys at once.
- The Keys up until level 25 will be Adventurer’s Keys used for a new special Chest, the Adventurer’s Chest.
- The Adventurer’s Chest will contain a small pool of troops designed for new players.
- These troops will also be available in regular chests for existing players to find and add to their collections.
- After level 25, the Keys will be either Gold, Glory or Gem Keys. Keys can only be earned until level 100.
- Players will also be able to purchase the Kingdom Weapon packs, and Starter Packs via the Hero Shop in the Adventurer’s Path menu.
- Any player who has unlocked a feature before the 6.2 update will continue to have access to it even if they are lower level than the unlock Level in Adventurer’s Path.

Some mischievous mimics have sneakily sneaked their way into Explore Battles….
- After defeating a Mythic Boss, there is a chance that the Boss Chest may actually be a Mimic, triggering a new battle.
- Defeat the Mimic Battle, to upgrade the Boss Chest to a Mimic Boss Chest which will multiple the number of tokens received by 2.
- When opening a Mimic Boss Chest there is a chance it may be a Hoard Mimic, a new Mythic Troop.
- Defeat the Hoard Mimic Battle, to upgrade the Boss Chest to a Hoard Mimic Boss Chest which will multiple the number of tokens received by 5.
- The Hoard Mimic Boss Chest also has a very rare chance to drop a copy of the Hoard Mimic Troop (which is not available from regular chests).
- Both battles against the Mimic and Hoard Mimic in Explore will be based on the highest difficulty the player has unlocked, rather than the currently set difficulty of the Explore Run.
- If the player loses the battle against either the Mimic or Hoard Mimic, they will receive the rewards from the last earned Boss Chest.
- E.g. If a player loses the Mimic Battle, they will get to open a regular Boss Chest and earn the normal rewards they would for that chest.

- World Quests are new types of quests that live outside of Kingdoms. They can be used to introduce new game modes or as part of smaller stories that we may release in future updates.
- World Quests can be accessed and played from the Games menu.
- Only one World Quest can be active at a time, so players will need to complete any existing World Quests before they can play any new ones they have unlocked.

We have added several new Heroic Gems in this update. Some of these we will reveal in future Campaigns, New Kingdoms, or Special Events.

During Updates in 2022 we will be giving the UI in Gems of War a Visual Update. As part of this in the 6.2 Update, we have updated the Chest Menu.

We have 2 new Achievements for this update:
- Mimic Menagerie: Defeat 3 Mimic Battles in Explore.
- Lord of the Hoard: Gain a Hoard Mimic Troop Card from its Boss Chest.

- We have added support for players to be able to adjust the game speed from the puzzle game (so they don’t have to go in the settings menu to change it). In the top left corner there is a drop down list which contains Chat and Game Speed Settings.
- Tapping on Chat will take players to the chat menu so they can continue discussions with other players during battles.
- Tapping the button again will close it.
- Players are still able to adjust Game Speed from the Settings menu.
- We have changed some of the rewards for completing a set of Kingdom Quests. Kingdom Quest Tiers that would unlock a feature or game mode will now give Gems instead.
- As Warbands now unlock at level 28, we have removed War Coins from rewards in the final quests for the following Kingdoms: Adana, Zhul’Kari, Karakoth and Divinion Fields.
- As part of the Adventure’s Path changes, we have retired the old player progression tasks in the Adventurer’s Board. Players who were in the middle of completing a task will receive mail with the reward for that task, and will be updated to a daily kill task instead.

- We have fixed an assortment of smaller issues.