Solid Snakes
New Ultra-Rare Troop: Steel Cobra The Steel Cobra will be available this week for 300 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. World Event: Melting
New Pet – Lovebird
New Pet: Lovebird A new pet has been released, Lovebird. You can get Lovebird from the daily Pet Rescue for the next 24hrs. Please note that Lovebird is a special event pet.
Beauty Contest
New Epic Troop: Horned Hag The Horned Hag will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. World Event: Hidden
Head in the Sand
New Ultra-Rare Troop: Ostryx The Ostryx will be available this week for 300 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. World Event: For The Birds
New Faction – Fire Rift
Join Luther, as you explore the burning Lands of Fire Rift! We have a new Faction to delve, as well as lots of new troops, lead by the Mamga Dragon! To celebrate the release of this new Faction, we will be running
A New Mythic Approaches – Piscea
New Mythic Troop: Piscea Piscea will be the only Mythic Troop available in Glory, Gem, Guild & VIP Chests for the next 7 days.
New Pet – Treasured Tiger
New Pet: Treasured Tiger A new pet has been released, Treasured Tiger. You can get Treasured Tiger from the daily Pet Rescue for the next 24hrs. Please note that Treasured Tiger is a special event pet.
The Oracle Knight
New Epic Troop: Wu Hao Wu Hao will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. World Event: Price of
Bounty Weekend – Catterfly
New Bounty Troop: Catterfly The Catterfly from Bright Forest, is this weekend's Bounty Captain. The Catterfly will be available in the Bounty Shop, and will appear in Gold, Glory and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time.
New Pet – Taz
New Pet: Taz A new pet has been released, Taz. You can get Taz from the daily Pet Rescue for the next 24hrs. Please note that Taz is a special event pet.