Lorekeeper I: Chapter 4 – In Doubt We Trust
CHAPTER 4 - IN DOUBT WE TRUST Self-doubt is the sin of the wise. No doubt is the sin of the fool. --Old Adanian Saying General Luther rubbed his tired eyes and sighed. It was entirely possible he was the worst knight who had
Hound of Doom
New Epic Troop: Barghast Barghast will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests. After 3-4 weeks he will become available in Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP chests as usual. New Weapon:
New Kingdom – Sin of Maraj
New Kingdom: Sin of Maraj Join Luther, as you explore the mysterious ruins in the Sin of Maraj! We have a new Kingdom to explore, as well as lots of new troops, which include the fiery daemon Wrath, and the sultry temptress,
New Pet – War Corgi
New Pet: War Corgi A new pet has been released, War Corgi. You can get your War Corgi from the daily Pet Rescue for the next 24hrs. War Corgi will only be available from International Dog Day Pet Event.
Lorekeeper I: Chapter 3 – Dragon’s Eye View
CHAPTER 3 - DRAGON’S EYE VIEW The Gods created Daemons to test us and teach us. The more we fear something, the more we run from it. The more we run from something, the stronger it becomes. And the stronger something becomes, the more
Nightmare Moon
New Invasion Troop: Sir Mordayne Sir Mordayne will be available in the Invasion Shop, and will appear in Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP chests in 3-4 weeks' time. New Common Troop: Nightmare The Nightmare will be available for 300 Glory in
Bounty Weekend – Tigraki Warrior
New Bounty Troop: Tigraki Warrior The Tigraki Warrior from Leonis Empire, is this weekend's Bounty Captain. Tigraki Warrior will be available in the Bounty Shop, and will appear in Glory, Gem, Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time.
Lorekeeper I: Chapter 2 – The Desert Fox
CHAPTER 2 - THE DESERT FOX Everything has a price. The secret to a good life is making sure somebody else is paying. -Leonine Proverb Amira sat high on the walls of Leothasa, one leg dangling idly over the edge. She closed her
New Raid Boss Troop: Wazir Wazir will be available in the Raid Boss Shop, and will appear in Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP chests in 3-4 weeks' time. New Ultra-Rare Troop: Snake Charmer The Snake Charmer will be available for 300
New Pet – Kit Sith
New Pet: Kit Sith A new pet has been released, the Kit Sith. You can get your Kit Sith from the daily Pet Rescue for the next 24hrs. The Kit Sith will also start appearing as a potential Pet Rescue from