Thunder Down Under
Light up the skies this New year's Eve with your very own Storm Giant! New Troop: Zephyros Zephyros, the Lord of Storms, has stormed into Stormheim
Carol of the Bells
♫It's the most wonderful time of year, there will be much pillaging! With villages a-glowing when set on fire
1.0.8 Arrives!
Patch 1.0.8 is here! Get all the details of what's new and what's changed below! Chests * The Chest Screen has been redesigned! * There are now 5 different chests. Gold Chests: Can be opened using gold. Gold chests have a chance to give
1.0.8 Preview Part 3 – Shop and Kingdoms
Greetings adventurers! In our final preview of 1.0.8, we take a look at major changes to the Shop, Kingdoms, and the brand new VIP system. Check out all the details in the video below! [youtube id="_j49YkO1JO4"]
Adventurers have started exploring the corrupt Isle of Darkstone this week, and it's time for a new troop from this sullied place! New Troop: Annointed One No Russell Crowe, or old TV shows, we promise. The Gladiator we're referring to is from
1.0.8 Preview Part 2 – Upgrading Troops
Greetings adventurers! Get ready to tinker and strategize like never before, with new troop upgrading features in 1.0.8. Take your enemies by surprise, and learn all about Traits and Ascension in Sirrian's walkthrough below! [youtube id="RKLi9QSFK20"]
The Corruption of Darkstone
To the southeast, the clouds have parted, revealing the Isle of Darkstone! Once a shining beacon in the Elder Sea, the Lords of Darkstone came under the influence of Daemons, and their once-mighty citadel fell into ruin. Soon it was a
1.0.8 Preview Part 1 – Chests and Keys
Greetings adventurers! The next update to Gems of War draws near, and today we've got a preview of a much requested update to the Keys and Chests system. Not only has bulk-opening been added, but we've also revised the entire
Chaos Reigns
New Weapon: Chaos Blade Have you ever turned up to an Arena Battle, and found a huge Sacred Guardian with so much Armor, he was probably immune to most things short of depleted uranium armor piercing shells? Well the Vampire Lords of
Let it Snow
If you have been waiting for an excuse to open a bunch of keys, you only have a few short hours to try and grab the Autumnal Imp before he vanishes, making way for the Winter Imp! New Troop: Winter Imp The