A Horse is a Horse (Nintendo Switch)
New Rare Troop: Thaumataur The Thaumataur will be available this week for 300 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time.
The Prickly Pair
New Epic Troop: Bahir Bahir will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. New Legendary Troop: Obregonia Obregonia will
Bounty Weekend – Ice Wraith
New Bounty Troop: Ogress The Ice Wraith from Stormheim, is this weekend's Bounty Captain. The Ice Wraith will be available in the Bounty Shop.
Bounty Weekend – Hound of Yao Guai
New Bounty Troop: Hound of Yao Guai The Hound of Yao Guai from Shentang, is this weekend's Bounty Captain. The Hound of Yao Guai will be available in the Bounty Shop, and will appear in Gold, Glory and Guild chests in 3-4
5.4 Update
We have made a major technical upgrade to Gems of War so we will be able to look at supporting next gen consoles and other new hardware in future updates. We have added a new type of flash offer to
Axolotl of Awesome (Nintendo Switch)
New Raid Boss Troop: Tuskor Tuskor will be available in the Raid Boss Shop, and will appear in Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP chests in 3-4 weeks' time. New Rare Troop: Axolotl The Axolotl will be available this week for 300
Tiger King
New Epic Troop: Baihu Baihu will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. World Event: Into the West There
Gnoll in the Family (Nintendo Switch)
New Epic Troop: Bullygnoll Bullygnoll will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. New Doomed Weapon: Doomed Maul This
Fire and the Flames
New Epic Troop: Pyrohydra The Pyrohydra will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. New Weapon: Facestick This week
Bounty Weekend – War Elephant (Nintendo Switch)
New Bounty Troop: War Elephant The War Elephant from Leonis Empire, is this weekend's Bounty Captain. The War Elephant will be available in the Bounty Shop, and will appear in Gold, Glory and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time.