Overdue Books
New Epic Troop: Grimmoira Grimmoira will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. World Event: Lore of Nature There
Invasion Weekend: Beast
Returning Invasion Troop: Stone-Shaker Stone-Shaker has returned to lead Beasts during this weekend's Invasion. You can get him from the Event shop during this event. New Weapon: Twin Claws This weekend it will be available in both the Event shop,
A New Mythic Approaches – Vernalis
New Mythic Troop: Vernalis Vernalis will be the only Mythic Troop available in Glory, Gem, Guild & VIP Chests for the next 7 days.
The Wolverine
New Epic Troop: Wereverine The Wereverine will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. World Event: Beast Whisperer There
Campaign Begins: Moon Flask
New Campaign Begins A brand new Campaign begins today, a rise of new were-beasts are starting to appear all over Krystara. New Heroic Gem: Lycanthropy Gem During this Campaign we will have a new Heroic Gem that players may encounter in puzzle
Battling Above Average
New Epic Troop: Werebat Werebat will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. World Event: Dark Moon Rising There
Raid Boss Weekend: Wild Plains
Returning Raid Boss Troop: Earthcaller Earthcaller has returned to lead Wild Plains during this weekend's Raid Boss. You can get him from the Event shop during this event. New Weapon: Wild Cleaver This weekend it will be available in both
5.5.1 Hot-Fix Released
We have released a hot fix for the 5.5 Update to address the following issues: Lycanthropy caused the game to crash when it triggers on a Hero This issue has been fixed but we have delayed reverting changes to Lycanthropy and
Wyrm Sign
New Epic Troop: Dragon Spirit The Dragon Spirit will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. New Legendary Troop:
New Soulforge Troop: Leonis Tower
New Soulforge Troop: Leonis Tower As Emperor Khorvash gains more Favor from the people of the Leonis Empire, new allies join his banner. The Leonis Tower is now craftable from the Soulforge. It requires The Emperor Tarot card from the