CONSOLE: The Horned One
Get in touch with your wild side. New Troop: Nax Sir Reginald Bewsinax III was an Adanan Engineer, and inventor of the steam-powered back, armpit, and nose-hair clipper, much favored by the fashionable young men of Adana. Propelled to fame and
CONSOLE: A New Mythic Approaches – Doomclaw
Please bear with him, he's a little angry. New Mythic Troop: Doomclaw Many centuries ago, King Asbjorn Doomclaw ruled the northern lands of Urskaya. Things in Urskaya were never entirely peaceful, but Asbjorn's reign was particularly troubled; his kingdom came under attack from
Heroes in a half-shell, Turtle Power! New Troop: Dragon Turtle Only found in the deepest waters, and rarely at that, Dragon Turtles seem to be mostly turtle, with a little bit of Dragon somewhere back in the family tree. They are mostly
The Horned One
Get in touch with your wild side. New Troop: Nax Sir Reginald Bewsinax III was an Adanan Engineer, and inventor of the steam-powered back, armpit, and nose-hair clipper, much favored by the fashionable young men of Adana. Propelled to fame and
A New Mythic Approaches – Doomclaw
Please bear with him, he's a little angry. New Mythic Troop: Doomclaw Many centuries ago, King Asbjorn Doomclaw ruled the northern lands of Urskaya. Things in Urskaya were never entirely peaceful, but Asbjorn's reign was particularly troubled; his kingdom came under attack from
CONSOLE: Dragon Magic
An elegant magic for a more civilized age. New Troop: Asha Asha - full name, Ashalindellasaura - like all Red Dragonians, is a priest of the Dragon Soul. One of the tasks of the Priests is to guard the precious Dragon
Heroes in a half-shell, Turtle Power! New Troop: Dragon Turtle Only found in the deepest waters, and rarely at that, Dragon Turtles seem to be mostly turtle, with a little bit of Dragon somewhere back in the family tree. They are mostly
CONSOLE: A New Mythic Approaches – Yasmine’s Chosen
Yasmine, I choose you! New Mythic Troop: Yasmine's Chosen When the Forests of Krystara are under dire threat, the Goddess Yasmine, mistress of life and nature, has a unique way of defending them. She will choose one of the oldest trees deep with
3.1.5 Patch Notes (PC/Mobile & Console)
The 3.1.5 Update is here! This is a mini update that primarily fixes major bugs and brings some quality of life changes. Changes * Fixed Impervious trait from not blocking Devour and Mana Burn. * Fixed One-Shot Spells only triggering for