Tastes like Chicken
It's a double course on the menu! New Troop: Dragon Cruncher We ALL know that Ogres like to eat things, so there's no surprises what Dragon Cruncher's favorite meal is. He is the Gordon Ramsay of Draconic Dinners, the Jamie Oliver
A New Mythic Approaches
Don't Starve! New Mythic Troop: Famine A second horseman has arrived! Famine is here! From the mysterious hidden kingdom, Apocalypse, another rider has appeared. Known simply as Famine, the realms of Krystara fear the sound of his hollow hoofbeats, as where he
Fox on the Run
Can you catch the Spirit Fox? New Troop: Spirit Fox Spirit Foxes are rare creatures from Maugrim Woods, difficult to see at night, and impossible to find by day. It's said that if you can catch one, you'll have 7 years
Ghost in a Shell
Celebrate the 200th troop! New Troop: Morthani's Will The name of Morthani, the Goddess of Death, is seldom spoken by the mortal races of Krystara, except in hushed whispers. It is believed that to catch her attention is to invite death into
Abominable Snowman
Chill out with this week's troop
2.0 Arrives!
The wait is over, Patch 2.0 has landed! Get all the details of what's new and what's changed below! PVP Rework * The PVP Menu now has 6 new menus, Ranked, Casual, Stats, Defense, Battle Log and Leaderboard. * Ranked: ~ Allows you
Enter the Nobends
Who you gonna call? New Troop: Nobend Brothers A famous tavern song performed by bards throughout Krystara pays homage to three of the most disgraceful Goblins to ever pass outside of Zaejin. Their exploits are dubious, their victories few, and their moral
Shifting The Scales
It's double trouble in the Mist of Scales! New Troop: Marilith Marilith, the Greater Daemon, has arrived in the Mist of Scales. She has usurped the throne, and she means business. Her first action? To promote a number of the Naga to manifest
2.0 PvP Preview
We're closing in on the 2.0 Update (no exact release date to share with you all yet though, sorry). But, while we're all waiting, twiddling our thumbs, tails, talons, and other twiddle-able appendages, we thought you might enjoy this video talking
Altared Reality
Make the sacrifice! New Troop: Sacrificial Priest What do you do on a Saturday night when there's nothing on at the movies, and it's getting a little chilly? If you answered "Stay indoors, sacrifice a friend, and summon an Old God", then we've