Kingdom Preview: Stormheim
Our first new kingdom is almost here - Stormheim, the Land of the Giants. Set in the icy north-east, you'll need to be level 25 to unlock Stormheim, but plenty of quests and challenges await you once you've done so!
New Event: Grave Danger
PvP ranks have reset, and it's time for a new event! It's ALSO time for our first Legendary Weapon reward. EVENT: Grave Danger The hand of the Liche Lord Xathenos was hacked from his arm only moments before he was
New Event: Before the Fall
Happy New Year! Let's kick off 2015 with a new event! Not only do we have a new event, but we've also added a new way to gain some extra Souls. Read about it below. EVENT: Before the Fall Shadow-Hunter, the original
Holiday Event & Sale: Wreck the Halls
Happy Holidays, everyone! But beware! Ragnagord is here! Every year, as the northern lands grow too cold for his tribe, Ragnagord and his Reindeer Horde, descend upon the southern reaches of Krystara in search of food. They're here, and they're
New Event & Mini Update: Mischief Maker
While we're waiting for the 1.0.3 update, it's time for a new event! This time, the Glory Rewards are new to the game! Read on to learn more! EVENT: Mischief Maker Sylvasi, the Mischief Maker has been seen in Pan's Vale.
Patch Preview 1.0.3
Patch 1.0.3 will be hitting the servers soon, so we thought everyone might enjoy seeing what's coming up. We'll step through the major features here, looking at each one in some detail. Final numbers may still be tweaked here and
Patch Notes: 1.0.2 a (Updated!)
We've used our elite ninja skills to hotfix a bunch of adjustments to troops. For the most part, we intend to hold nerfs and buffs until we're doing a new patch AND we intend to keep changes to a minimum. In this case
Event: Tangled Web
Our apologies to all the arachnophobes out there, but it's time to hit the spider-infested forests of Zhul'Kari. This will be the last event where you get to keep your PvP rank. Since we just released worldwide last Thursday, the idea
Released on Steam
We are finally live on Steam. Actually we were out on Steam yesterday, but we got so overwhelmed with new people jumping into the game, that we've only just had time to post this! Don't forget that you can play on iOS and
Worldwide Release: iOS
Get your puzzle on, and start levelling those Lamias! The iOS version should be going live for worldwide release any time now. We've put extra hamsters to work, running the servers, with the finest hamster-feed we could find to sustain them, so we hope