The Spirit of Rock
Show some spirit! New Troop: Rock Spirit It's not only the night that's dark and full of terrors
A New Mythic Approaches – Pharos-Ra
Meet the Ancient God of Khetar. New Mythic Troop: Pharos-Ra Before the wars ruined Khetar, before the Keeper of Souls made his home there, before even the Settites, Anubites, and Bastites had built their first temples
CONSOLE: No One Expects…
The Whitehelm Inquistion
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend
It's a mad mad mad mad world (in Karakoth). New Troop: Dark Troll Nobody is sure if the Dark Trolls of Karakoth are living or undead. It seems fairly certain though that they are a sub-species of troll formed from some failed
Gems of War in 2016
It's been a pretty hectic 2016 for us here on the Gems of War team
CONSOLE: Double Rainbow
The rainbow snake is here
The Right to Arm Bears
This week might be full of bad puns. Just bear with us! New Troop: Urska Wanderer The Urska occasionally go wandering when food in their home kingdom, Urskaya, becomes scarce. Barbearius is a well known wanderer, often found in Maugrim Woods,
CONSOLE: The Wargening
Now is the time of the beast! New Troop: Warg While Kerberos may guard the Abyssal Gates, the Wargs are his servants, sent out to gather the Souls that feed their master. Beware, because now Kerberos can summon Wargs too! New Troop: Wayfinder The most
Snow-body Loves Me
Bring on the Snow! New Troop: Snow Guardian 'Twas the night of Midwinter, and all through the north Not a creature was stirring, 'cept the Fey who crept forth; They danced in the moonlight, with no care or guilt, In hopes a Snow Guardian soon
CONSOLE: 2.1.5 Patch Notes
Welcome to Console 2.1.5