New Hero Class: Elementalist
New Hero Class: Elementalist A new Hero Class has been released, the Elementalist. Complete Shayle's Elementalist Training quest in Nexus to unlock this Hero Class. Also to celebrate the release of this new class, we will be running a Hero Class
New Kingdom Pass Begins – Nexus
New Kingdom Pass Begins To celebrate the release of the new kingdom, Nexus, we will be running a Kingdom Pass for the next 5 weeks. Kingdom Pass Battlecrasher: King Heliodor During this Kingdom Pass, King Heliodor is a semi-rare encounter in PvP and
New Kingdom – Nexus
New Kingdom: Nexus Join Shayle, as you explore the mysterious portal of Nexus! We have a new Kingdom to explore, as well as lots of new troops, which include the Nexus Portal itself, and the Stoneborn ruler, King Heliodor! Please note that while
Pumping Iron (Nintendo Switch)
New Epic Troop: Durgan Ironfall Durgan Ironfall will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. World Event: Forging the
Don’t Stop Believin’
New Guide Troop: Hawthorn Hawthorn will be available in the Journey Shop, and will appear in Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP chests in 3-4 weeks' time. Please note the Pathfinder trait is a unique Trait, this means the Trait cannot be
New Faction – Duergaroth (Nintendo Switch)
New Faction: Duergaroth Join Finley, as you explore the deep dwarven fortress of Duergaroth! We have a new Faction to delve, as well as lots of new troops, controlled by Nyar'Mel! To celebrate the release of this new Faction, we will be running
Raid Boss Weekend: Zaejin
Returning Raid Boss Troop: Hellcackle Hellcackle has returned to lead Zaejin during this weekend's Raid Boss. You can get him from the Event shop during this event. New Weapon: Hack Job This weekend it will be available in both the
New Pet – Evil Éclair
New Pet: Evil Éclair A new pet has been released, Evil Éclair. You can get Evil Éclair from the daily Pet Rescue for the next 24hrs. Please note that Evil Éclair is a special event pet.
Perfect Storm
New Epic Troop: Stormchaser Stormchaser will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks' time. World Event: Stormchaser's Song There are
A New Mythic Approaches – The Scourge of Honor (Nintendo Switch)
New Mythic Troop: The Scourge of Honor The Scourge of Honor will be the only Mythic Troop available in Glory, Gem, Guild & VIP Chests for the next 7 days.