CONSOLE: Will of the Wisp
Don't follow the light! New Troop: Wisp Wisps inhabit the damp and marshy borders of Silverglade, where the snow melts and runs off the mountains to form misty wetlands. The High Elves typically leave an offering of honey, bread, and gold to them
Fire in the Sky
Let's heat things up! New Troop: Fire Giant The Fire Giants of Stormheim have been in disgrace since their king, Jarl Firemantle was defeated in battle. However, they've been trying to keep things a little fresh on the battlefield as of
CONSOLE: Pop Goes The Weasel
Round and round the mulberry bush
Dragon Magic
An elegant magic for a more civilized age. New Troop: Asha Asha - full name, Ashalindellasaura - like all Red Dragonians, is a priest of the Dragon Soul. One of the tasks of the Priests is to guard the precious Dragon
CONSOLE: A New Mythic Approaches – Euryali
New Mythic Troop: Euryali Many centuries ago, a special Naga child was hatched. She was half snake, half humanoid, like her mother, but she had the most wondrous set of wings. It was widely believed, though never confirmed, that the father
Bear Necessities
The simple bear necessities
CONSOLE: New Kingdom – Urskaya
New Kingdom: Urskaya Welcome to the home of the Urska, and their King, Mikhail. Visit Baba Yaga, to learn about the strange dreams that have been plaguing your sleep, punch lots of bears, take their stuff, and collect 7 new troops including:
CONSOLE: Daughters of Orion
Here comes trouble, and make it double. New Epic: Anthea The two daughters of Orion are as different as night and day. Anthea is the younger daughter - a Centaur who loves nature, in particular the flowers from which she takes her name.
Pop goes the Weasel
Round and round the mulberry bush
A New Mythic Approaches – Yasmine’s Chosen
Yasmine, I choose you! New Mythic Troop: Yasmine's Chosen When the Forests of Krystara are under dire threat, the Goddess Yasmine, mistress of life and nature, has a unique way of defending them. She will choose one of the oldest trees deep with