Dead Men Tell No Tales
But dead parrots never shut up
CONSOLE: New Kingdom – Silverglade
Silverglade has appeared! New Kingdom: Silverglade With the release of Silverglade, 7 new troops have been added to chests: * Silver Drakon (common) * Swordmaster (rare) * Elven Bard (rare) * Enchantress (ultra-rare) * Unicorn (ultra-rare) * Princess Elspeth (epic) * Krystenax (legendary) You may see another troop in the
CONSOLE: The Right To Arm Bears
This week might be full of bad puns. Just bear with us! New Troop: Urska Wanderer The Urska occasionally go wandering when food in their home kingdom, Urskaya, becomes scarce. Barbearius is a well known wanderer, often found in Maugrim Woods,
Green Energy
It's 100% Natural. New Troop: Archdruid The Druidic caste of the Forest of Thorns are the highest caste that a common Wood Elf can ascend to, with the Archdruids being the leaders of that caste. From their numbers, one is chosen only
CONSOLE: Witches in Britches
There really ARE monsters under the bed. New Troop: Night Hag More than a century ago, a ship carrying a beautiful Leonine Princess ran aground on the rocks of Darkstone; it was travelling to Adana for her wedding. It was no
Quit Bugging Me
I can't bear it anymore. New Troop: Bugbear It's a dangerous land out there in Zaejin, so the following PSA should help you identify whether there are regular bears nearby, or that monstrosity of an offspring between an Orc and a Goblin
CONSOLE: The Mummy Returns
Long live(?) the King! New Troop: Mummified King While the wars between the Anubites and the Settites destroyed Khetar and unleashed a horde of Undead, not all the tombs were broken. Many of the Royal Tombs remained intact and still contain
Journey to the Crest
Monk see, Monk do. New Troop: Dragonian Monk
A New Mythic Approaches – Ketras The Bull
New Mythic Troop: Ketras The Bull In times of great need, the Soothsayers of the WIld Plains can summon the might Ancestral Spirit of Ketras the Bull to lend them aid. Ketras appears as a mighty winged bull, wielding an axe as
CONSOLE: 2.2 Patch Notes
Welcome to Console 2.2