Bearded Lady
But wait, she doesn't have a beard
CONSOLE: Love Is In The Air
Shine a little love this week
Shadows Over Krystara
Quick! Into the shadows. New Troop: Shadowblade As anyone who has ever used a razor knows, the more blades the better. It's a shame then, that Dark Elves don't have 4 arms, else the Shadowblades would be as good at stabbing
A New Mythic Approaches – Jotnar Stormshield
Fee Fie Fo Fum, I smell the blood of a new Mythic Troop! New Mythic Troop: Jotnar Stormshield Jarl Firemantle may have risen to power in Stormheim almost 2 years ago, stirring up the various Giant Clans, but their true lord and
Hello Ladies!
(Insert bad pickup line here) New Troop: Incubus Q. Why should the girl Daemons have all the fun? A. They shouldn't! So here's the Incubus, fresh from the Blighted Lands (quite fresh actually), arriving just ahead of Valentine's Day to steal your Significant Other's
CONSOLE: Blackhawk Down
Get ready to walk the plank! New Troop: Bonnie Rose A tale by Lil' Johnny Bronze
CONSOLE: New Kingdom – Blackhawk
Prepare to be boarded! New Kingdom: Blackhawk Talk-like-a-pirate-day may have passed, but that's no reason not to give a hearty "YARRRRR!" for the arrival of Blackhawk. Ever wondered what happened to Tyri's father in Zhul'Kari? Or how Tyri and Marid could EVER be
CONSOLE: Knight Time
Time for a good Knight out
CONSOLE: New Mythic – Gard’s Avatar
He shall smite the unworthy