Will of the Wisp
Don't follow the light! New Troop: Wisp Wisps inhabit the damp and marshy borders of Silverglade, where the snow melts and runs off the mountains to form misty wetlands. The High Elves typically leave an offering of honey, bread, and gold to them
Console: Money, Money, Money
Must be funny. In a rich man's world. New Troop: Merchant Prince The Merchant Princes of Darkstone have grown extremely wealthy over the years, not only on the back of human suffering, but also by plying illicit potions and elixirs throughout the
Unbearable Corruption
In Urskaya, Bear hunts you. New Troop: Corrupted Urska TRAVEL WARNING: Adventurers are advised to take care when travelling north near Urskaya. Recently, a calamitous event in Urskaya caused a strange corruption to spread through the local Urska population. The exact cause seems
CONSOLE: A New Mythic Approaches – Elemaugrim
New Mythic: Elemaugrim
New Kingdom – Urskaya
New Kingdom: Urskaya Welcome to the home of the Urska, and their King, Mikhail. Visit Baba Yaga, to learn about the strange dreams that have been plaguing your sleep, punch lots of bears, take their stuff, and collect 7 new troops including:
CONSOLE: The Odd Couple
They'll never Orc alone. (Actually it's more like the Odd Triple! Orc Veteran, Drake AND Bone Daemon, all in one event!) New Troop: Orc Veteran A veteran of a lifetime filled with battles, any Orc who lives long enough to turn gray is
Bad Medicine
It's what I need. New Troop: Totem Guard The Wargare are still a tribal culture - each tribe will have a totem placed centrally in its village, with some combination of ancestors, spirits, and even Wulfgarok, carved into it. They do
A New Mythic – Infernus
New Mythic Troop: Infernus Long before Luther and his Dragon Knights landed on the Broken Spire, long before Sheggra first hatched from her egg, even long before the Broken Spire
CONSOLE: Snakes and Ladders
Don't roll snake eyes. New Troop: Bone Naga
Money, Money, Money
Must be funny. In a rich man's world. New Troop: Merchant Prince The Merchant Princes of Darkstone have grown extremely wealthy over the years, not only on the back of human suffering, but also by plying illicit potions and elixirs throughout the