Call to Valor
Who you gonna call? New Troop: Valor Just as the Archon Mercy descended to help rebuild Whitehelm, so too has Valor, the Archon of Sword's Edge, appeared to help Queen Ysabelle re-ascend the throne after the treachery of the Knights Coronet. Valor however,
Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright
Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, little ball of Hate
Spring has Sprung
Spring is a little late this year
The Rune Factory
Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to work we go
Run! Run Away!
Bunni'Nog is here to wish you Happy Easter
Meet the Lord of the Fell Dragons! New Troop: Venbarak The Blighted Lands were an inhospitable place even before the Daemons ventured into Krystara centuries ago. Few creatures could have survived there save for the Dragons, who thrived amongst its craggy peaks. The
Burning Man
Watch the world burn in this week's event! New Troop: Ifrit The Drifting Sands are a mysterious place, full of wondrous treasures and deadly creatures! But none, save for the Great Maw itself, are more dangerous than the ancient spirits who dwell
Patch 1.0.9 Arrives!
Patch 1.0.9 has landed! Get all the details of what's new and what's changed below! Hero Classes * Players will be able to unlock classes for their Heroes by completing Class Quests. * Class Quests appear after you have finished the main
Patch 1.0.9 Preview Part 2
1.0.9 is almost upon us. Read on and find out more! In our first preview we detailed Hero Classes. You can see the first preview here In this second part, we're going to cover all the other little features of 1.0.9, so we