PC/Mobile: 3.1 Patch Notes
The time has come for the release of the foretold 3.1 Update! This update is bringing you a bunch of fixes, crafting and the Soulforge! Read on, adventurers! Major Features The Soulforge * Complete a new quest to unlock the Soulforge in
Stone Cold Killers (PC/Mobile and Console)
Untrue lovers and fallen angels. New Troop: Snow-Hunter Not all Raksha live in the sun-drenched plains of the Pridelands; their northern brethren live up in the distant snowy mountains, and have grown thick coats of fur to keep themselves warm.
CONSOLE: A New Mythic Approaches – Infernus
New Mythic Troop: Infernus Long before Luther and his Dragon Knights landed on the Broken Spire, long before Sheggra first hatched from her egg, even long before the Broken Spire
Murky Wood (PC/Mobile and Console)
You can't see the forest for the Trolls
Ladyhawk (PC/Mobile and Console)
Falcons are a girl's best friend. New Troop: Falconer In the Leonis Empire, Falconry is a sport only practised by the nobility. Every noble will have at least one Falconer in his employ, and quite possibly a stable of different
CONSOLE: A New Mythic Approaches – Queen Aurora
New Mythic: Queen Aurora Mythical Pony I used to wonder about the RNG Mythical Pony Until I pulled her from a Glory Key 24 Mana Tons of fun 43 points of Heart Faithful and strong 30 Armor, Yellow, purple, green 12 Magic makes her all complete You have a mythical pony Do you
A New Mythic Approaches – Euryali
New Mythic Troop: Euryali Many centuries ago, a special Naga child was hatched. She was half snake, half humanoid, like her mother, but she had the most wondrous set of wings. It was widely believed, though never confirmed, that the father
Knockin’ on Dwarven Doors (PC/Mobile and Console)
It's getting dark, too dark to see. New Troop: Dwarven Gate Following some failed attempts at early complex doorcrafting, involving magical doors that opened with a simple command word (like 'friend') which seemed to allow all sorts of undesirables into your mines,
CONSOLE: Bad Medicine
It's what I need. New Troop: Totem Guard The Wargare are still a tribal culture - each tribe will have a totem placed centrally in its village, with some combination of ancestors, spirits, and even Wulfgarok, carved into it. They do