CONSOLE: 2.1.5 Patch Notes
Welcome to Console 2.1.5
2.2 Patch Notes
The 2.2 Update is coming tomorrow
CONSOLE: 2.0.5 Update
Hail and well met, PS4 and Xbox One players! Welcome to 2.0.5
2.0.1 Arrives!
The wait is over, Patch 2.0.1 has landed! Explore Mode A new game mode has been added in ALL Kingdoms. It is accessible once that Kingdom’s quest line is finished. Explore Mode throws you into a random battle from its Kingdom, with
2.0 Arrives!
The wait is over, Patch 2.0 has landed! Get all the details of what's new and what's changed below! PVP Rework * The PVP Menu now has 6 new menus, Ranked, Casual, Stats, Defense, Battle Log and Leaderboard. * Ranked: ~ Allows you
Patch 1.0.9 Arrives!
Patch 1.0.9 has landed! Get all the details of what's new and what's changed below! Hero Classes * Players will be able to unlock classes for their Heroes by completing Class Quests. * Class Quests appear after you have finished the main
1.0.8 Arrives!
Patch 1.0.8 is here! Get all the details of what's new and what's changed below! Chests * The Chest Screen has been redesigned! * There are now 5 different chests. Gold Chests: Can be opened using gold. Gold chests have a chance to give
1.0.7 Out Now !
The 1.0.7 update is here, featuring new Troop Collection and Team Management. But this update goes well beyond that, so read on for all the details! New Troop Collection Management The new Troop Collection screen will make it faster and easier to